A ″Grievance″ under this chapter would mean a complaint of an individual group pertaining to the distress arising out of any decision taken by EPI in relation to that individual group. The Grievances complaints received from employees, vendors and clients of EPI will not be covered under this chapter, for which separate Grievance Redressal Systems exists. In addition to this, the following grievances will not be covered under this chapter:
Cases which are sub-judice or the cases where quasi judicial procedures are prescribed.
Complaints pertaining to corruption, which are to be lodged with the Chief Vigilance Officer.
Cases involving policy matters and decisions taken by the Board of Directors, in which the aggrieved has not been directly or indirectly affected.
Anonymous complaints and the frivolous cases.
Complaints not supported by adequate details.
Link to Public Grievance Portal: www.pgportal.gov.in